The Man Behind the Beard

Lenny Smith
Today I am so excited to talk about my dad, Lenny Smith. Maybe you think that I shouldn’t be writing about him because I am so close, but that is exactly why I SHOULD be. I have spent 24 years under the roof of this man and as his daughter I have experience and insight like none other.

We all have memories from our childhood pop up in our minds and some are more vivid than others. I have memories of my mother cooking dinner every night in the kitchen and stitching her embroidery pieces in the evening. I also remember that it was not an unusual occurrence for my father to lay his head down on the kitchen table and fall asleep as we ate after a long day working construction. It’s funny some of the things that still permeate your memory from childhood.

Lenny A Lenny B

Another constant was seeing my father play his guitar and sing to the Lord.We didn’t think anything of it–it was just part of our daily living. We would play our games, read our books, do our homework, come and go, and there he was–singing. When I got older and started playing guitar and worshipping myself in my home with my children around me, it was so natural because after all, isn’t this what everyone does?

I could throw out some cool things like, “My Dad wrote “Our God Reigns” and it was the Pope’s favorite song.” or “My Dad has led worship and spoken in congregations of every denomination all over.” The truth is that those things are nice and encouraging, but the real truth is even more stripped down.

My Dad is the real deal. He embraces the creativity and the music that the Lord has put within him. He writes music and moves forward everyday. He plays and he sings all the time–not because he has to, but because he NEEDS to. He doesn’t do it for people and no one is watching…or at least it seemed like it. But here we are today and I guess I was watching.

Check out Lenny’s latest album, “Who Was And Is And Is To Come” and experience for yourself the joyful creative worship of a man who bares himself to the world.

Don’t just take our word for it. Here are some beautiful comments from Sally Morgenthaler:

“Both sound and lyrics are pure, hopeful, real, unfettered.  Your roots in 60s folk are unmistakable. Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger.  Never thought I’d hear that brought to worship.”

Deep Calls To Deep 300

Here is Daniel Smith’s artwork for Lenny’s “Deep Calls To Deep” album and if you look closely enough my dad is literally shown as baring himself and his heart to the world.

Stay posted as his next album is currently being worked on in the Sounds Familyre Studio right now! It truly is a joyful noise to behold.

When I grow up I want to be just like my dad!


Rachel Transparent

Important Links To Explore:

Great Comfort Records
Lenny Smith: Who Was And Is And Is To Come
Lenny Smith: Deep Calls To Deep
Sounds Familyre Records